Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1 - Arrival in Dar es Salaam

On Thursday, July 1st we left Minneapolis and flew to Amsterdam. Eight hours on a plane - and not quite half way to our destination! We landed in Amsterdam and spent three hours walking around, having coffee and a little breakfast. Finally, we were ready to board our flight to Tanzania!

We learned the plane was smaller than the original scheduled (there was mechanical trouble) and took 100 fewer passengers. For a few minutes we thought we might be bumped off the flight. Others were not very happy at the counter. Our group stepped up, we got our boarding passes and we were off! Only 9 more hours before we would arrive in Dar - late.

I slept a bit on the flight, but it was hard to sleep between two strangers. We were all split up when the plane was changed. Those with the same last names were seated together, but three of us sat apart. Not the worst thing - we were all on the plane!

We arrived in Dar and then proceeded through customs. Passport please. (HURRAY! - loud cheering in the background.) It turns out that we arrived as Ghana was playing in the World Cup Soccer match. No one was really paying us much attention. All eyes focused on the few TVs around the terminal.

We found our baggage and headed toward the check point. Everyone got through until it came to our large duffel bags, wheel, and a box. Questions...what were we carrying, where were we going, how long would we stay...the customs agent wanted to charge us for the grinder we were carrying. She thought we were going to use it for ourselves while in Tanzania. It would be $85 to get it through customs. After a very long explanation by Pastor Rolf, we finally were able to convince her that the grinder was for a church in Mbigili where we were headed. She waved us through and we didn't hesitate - out!

When we got outside, the heat and humidity were breath-taking. Our group was gathered outside looking for our contact - Pastor Paul from Wazo Hill Church. Again, groups were huddled around the TV monitors outside - Ghana was on the verge of an historic game. The only Africa country still in the World Cup.

We began to hear friendly greetings behind us, and turning around it was Pastor Paul. Nancy and Rolf were hugging and making introductions. A warm welcome from one of our hosts! We all met Peter our bus driver and then we were off to the parking lot to find our ride. By this time the soccer game ended and there were sad faces all around - Ghana was out.

To our bus! We loaded our bags and all climbed ith air conditioning on for our comfort we were off to our first hostel - The Penticostal Retreat Center. We drove through a rough looking area - then very industrial. Coming to a gate, a horn toot and then the gate opened. Out walked an attendant, our driver said a few things, and then we were let in.

Rooms were assigned and we all agreed to an 8:30am breakfast. REST! On a real bed, not a plane seat. We looked around the room and found things were in order. We picked a bed and pulled down our misquito netting. Rest came quickly and easily. Our adventure continues in the morning!

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